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Give Us A Fighting Chance: Green New Deal Poster

Cause Poster - Green New Deal for Our Youth
Design Brief: Create a poster for a cause you care about, create a tagline
My design solution was to create a poster and billboard campaign for Voting yes on a green new deal, a U.S. House bill on the floor for climate change action. Give us a fighting chance was a tagline created after thinking about what my toddler says to me with his presence. Giving them a fighting chance to tackle climate change issues is vital. The texture represents the concept of time and nostalgia of a time playing at a playground before times changed due to climate disasters. Photo is iphone 8 of my toddler. 

Size: Tabloid 
Software: Photoshop and InDesign
Class Project
Give Us A Fighting Chance: Green New Deal Poster

Give Us A Fighting Chance: Green New Deal Poster
